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Get to know us here @ SMF - Jeff Huntsman Intro

Good day everyone!

Today is a good day to introduce Mr. Jeff Huntsman.

Jeff has been with SMF & Machine Tools Inc. since 1991! He knows his machines! How did he find himself here you ask? Well he really enjoyed doing mechanical service work & he is a huge people person so it was the perfect career fit.

Jeff is a former service tech that transitioned into sales around 1996/1997 & he also sold vibratory finishing for about 5 years of that. These days, he is a "Machine Guru", so when I say he is currently fully working Sales Operations & Buyer Sales Management, just know in actuality that he is doing A Lot more than that.

Outside of work, Jeff is an active member of The First Methodist Church. He also likes to fly & dabble in light handy-man work.

His favorite quotes or sayings you may hear him mention are; "Everything happens for a reason! Look for the good in it." & of course "Hakuna Matata" which as we all know, means No Worries!

Jeff's life goal is to make customers happy & make a good living while doing it.

So in conclusion, next time you visit us here at SMF, stop in & make sure to at least say hello to Mr. Jeff! He would really enjoy it if you did!

Ashley Fogler

Sales & Marketing


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